Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Seven Years Strong

As of tonight, the Wednesday Game Night I host has been running for seven years. In the last seven years, well over a hundred different people have attended. Somewhere, I have a list of people who had attended as of a few years ago.

We've played hundreds of games, ranging from a variety of unpublished prototypes to games that are hundreds of years old. Here is a list of the games we played in the first year.

We've had to reschedule twice (that I can recall), but we have always met at least once per week.

The crew grows and shrinks and grows and shrinks. New people move to the area, and they move away (and we do miss you), but the games go on.

We've been hosted at Phoenix Games for close to five years, now, and it's been good for us. It's increased our visibility and, at the same time, has helped sell games.

To celebrate, we're having a potluck.

Normally, we charge $5 per person to attend. Tonight, it's free if you bring food.

We'd love to see you there.

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