Wednesday, January 04, 2017


So.  This is 2017.

I hope the end of your 2016 went well. If you celebrate holidays, I hope they were pleasantly spent with friends and/or family.

Mine went well. I gave my copy of PitchCar Mini to my nephews, because it hadn't hit the table since 2009. They love it. I got to play a few games with them, too. It was a ton of fun and reminded me why I enjoy that game so much.

We also bought Looping Louie for them. Because fun is fun.

I received Shogun.  The Big Box edition. I've really enjoyed Shogun for a while.  The Big Box includes the expansion.

For New Year's Eve, we went to Fantasium. I'm slowly getting to know the crew of regulars there, and it was the first time they've done a NYE thing. We played Ice Cool and Patchwork. Patchwork was the last game I played in 2016.

We had a great time, and I'm looking forward to next year's event.

I also received a package containing a couple of games, and I'm told there is another package due soon. I have a few guesses what's in that second package, but I'll let you know when it arrives.

... and a friend came over and we burned some 2016 calendars.  It was oddly cathartic.

I have not played my First Game Of 2017, yet.  I deliberately chose to save that for game night tonight. Because the best games are shared with those you are close to.

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